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Hello and welcome, my name is Michael. I've been sharpening my own kitchen knives since 2017 when I first started to learn how to cook, but I never really thought about extending this service to other people – that is, until my buddy Andy floated the idea sometime during the start of 2020. And so began our little knife sharpening service in Launceston, Tasmania.

My own knives include a generic chinese cleaver and a Tojiro DP3 18cm chef knife. Whenever my customers ask for knife recommendations I always mention the Tojiro (it's gotten quite a lot more expensive, but you can still get good deals if you look around). I've also heard good things from various customers about JCK's house brands.

How we sharpen

We started sharpening freehand on whetstones (click here for more details on the process), and will probably continue sharpening this way for a very looong time. We don't own fancy giant water wheel grinders or Tormek T-8s – just simple, highly portable whetstones and some water. What this means for you (the customer) is that the blade edges that we produce might be a tad uneven or inconsistent.

Japanese rotating sharpening stone
What we wish we had – a giant-ass water grinding wheel. Photo: 刃付け屋

Make no mistake, however, as this does not in any way compromise the level of sharpness that we are able to achieve. We check that every knife is as sharp as possible before they are returned. And it's scary sharp, I promise. If you're unsatisfied with our service, please tell us why and we will refund you. And if you liked it, do tell us about it too!

The service is now mainly run by myself; however, Andy still provides the service down in Hobart if you're interested. You can visit his instagram page here, where he also sells knives which I think are great value for the money.